香港書畫人協會討論區's Archiver

劉一虎 發表於 2011-10-29 11:13

辨工識玉 作者 :玉璽迷 Mandy

[font=新細明體][size=15pt][color=#000000][color=#0060bf]高古玉鑑賞有很高的要求, 而真正好東西也越來越少見, 近來我也愛上了翡翠新件。翡翠新件只需要分出A,B,C貨, 種, 色,新坑,老坑,....因為沒有包括大量文化信息, 只要是A貨, 水頭好不好, 有沒有種, 是否精工雕琢,還是比較容易掌握上手。


















[font=新細明體][size=15pt]新工也是先鑽眼,而後沿鑽眼處用高速磨具將窗口內的玉料磨去,直到取出芯子或全部磨掉。這樣新工在窗口內壁上留下的磨痕,必定是平行於窗口,與老工的磨痕成90度夾角,窗口的邊口不銳利。 [/size][/font]

















[font=新細明體][size=15pt][color=#000000]一 是老玉補工,如在老玉素器上加上紋飾。
[font=新細明體][size=15pt][color=#000000]二 是老玉改制,如將斷壁改作玉璜。
[font=新細明體][size=15pt][color=#000000]三 是老玉新做,利用殘破的老玉改制一些小件玉器,如肛塞、鼻塞、沖牙之類。
[font=新細明體][size=15pt][color=#000000]老玉新做的目的是提高玉件的身價,想謀個好價。但老玉新工會有很多蜘絲馬跡,除上述9種之外,首先是破壞了老玉的皮殼。大家知道玉器埋地久遠之後,其表面會有一層蠟狀、石灰狀的皮殼,如果施以新工,那新工之下玉質表面光澤與質感, 就會不同於原來的表面光澤與質感。[/color][/size][/font]









54a81xuc 發表於 2012-10-1 19:21

Urumqi, a senior household gas

Asian Heart Network (reporter OPERATIONS reported) success Court Xu, Urumqi, Little Simon success Plaza, upstairs residential buildings occurred at 17:30 on the June 3 natural gas leak, police and fire departments rushed to the scene, shut off the gas total valve and power outages, evacuation of more than 100 people. Site survey by the relevant departments, the Department of accidents natural gas pipeline valve not closed, the aging interface hose off due to 20 oclock, the reporter received a tip arrived at the residential, commercial, fire just remove dangers and evacuated residents access. It is understood that this high-level collection of shops, residential, office as one of the Complex. 1-8 layers ,9-22 layers for the success of the success Square Garden residential buildings, a total of more than 200 households. Natural gas leak, Room 1807, was there nobody inside, the door, Room 1808, households smell had a very strong gas smell in the corridor to the duty room to reflect, and 119 alarm calls. Who lives in the 22-floor owners committee director, said: "across the door of Room 1807, households, we hear the gas alarm is ringing, and the door of the gas smell, especially concentrated. 17:45, Urumqi, Xinhua Road Fire Squadron arrived on the scene, and the first The gas company repair personnel arrived to close the building gas valve and the 18-floor gates. Due to the high concentration of natural gas at that time, the fear of external collisions generate sparks explode, so we can not force Zhuangmen. It is understood, Room 1807, owner surnamed Ji, housing leased to a company do staff quarters, two guest gas leak in a business trip. "At that time firefighters knocking on doors to evacuate residents, told residents not to call fire and blocked the building entrance is prohibited to enter the West Ho Street North Community Patrol Captain Wang Xinhua said," because the landlord in Room 1807 in the field, and finally a friend of the landlord the keys sent police and firefighters to open the door into the room. "firefighters found in the room, only after the household use of natural gas off the burner switch is not shut off the gas valve, leading to the aging of the hose off in the interface, causing natural gas leak. Reporters on the scene, Room 1807, located north of Even the windows facing the corridor. "At the time firefighters with stones the windows smashed, as far as possible natural gas leak indoors discharge." Wang said. After the incident, the scene of natural gas concentration in excess of the size of Simon CMC and staff of West Ho Street North Community collaborative police, with firefighters to evacuate more than 100 people on the 16-layer -20 layer, 19 am dangerous to exclude. The reporter found that the corridor has a fire hydrant, the fire alarm box is empty, the stairs are bad. "Building has been no installation of fire equipment, we have the departments concerned, but nobody has been." Wang said. . BlkComment pa: link {text-decorat

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